Hot Shot Truck Insurance

Hot-shot trucking insurance is a necessary part of business for anybody looking to start a hot-shot operation, as well as those who are looking for renewals. Get the best deals by bringing multiple companies together. You can find the best prices for hot-shot insurance available by comparison-shopping at Fontana Trucking Insurance. This website brings you multiple quotes, allowing you to keep more money in your pocket. This article explains what hot-shot truck insurance is, whether you need it, and other details you should be aware of. If you are ready to take the next step to your business, there are many tips that can help you along the way.

What Is Hot Shot Truck Insurance?

Having an awareness of what you need is an essential part of any business. Hot-shot truck insurance can be a very lucrative business, and finding the right loads is a large part of it. If you get the business, you will be playing a vital role in hauling freight and LTL that needs to get to where it’s going fast. Proper insurance coverage is necessary to drive legally, and you will need to show the load brokers and shippers you can meet their insurance requirements. Having the proper amount of insurance coverage to drive legally is essential, and hot-shot truck insurance provides this for you.

Do I Need Hot Shot Truck Insurance?

There are numerous considerations for hot-shot drivers. You will need a hundred thousand dollars in coverage, and the coverage you have will need to match what you are hauling. Having coverage that is flexible and can be changed at a moment's notice is important. This provides flexibility in case you come across a load you are not covered for. If you are a new hot-shot operation or looking to review your coverage, Look into getting hot-shot coverage at Fontana Trucking Insurance.

Hot Shot Truck Insurance Requirements

If you are looking to pick up loads as a truck driver, you will need to meet the insurance requirements to do so. People who find loads in this industry can make a lot of money. In most situations, it will require $750,000 in liability coverage. Most shippers and load brokers will require more than this, however. In many cases, $1 million of coverage will be required. The minimum amount of cargo insurance coverage required is $5,000, though shippers will look to see significantly more than this. In many cases, it is $100,000 they are looking for. You’ll also be looking to purchase physical damage coverage for both your trailer and your truck, though it is not required everywhere. Most states will also require you to have a CDL. With this type of driver’s license, as well as experience, you can pay less for your insurance policies. Additional requirements are necessary for people who are crossing state lines. For your truck, you may need registration, as well as for your trailer. Make sure you are meeting all of the requirements you need for hot-shot truck insurance.

Hot shot insurance sample quote:

Fleet Size 2 trucks
Radius Unlimited
Equipment value (trucks and trailers) $80,000
Commodities hauled Miscellaneous
Years in business 2
Number of claims in past 3 years none
Annual premium for $1m Liability, Uninsured Motorist, Physical Damage, $100k Cargo limit and General Liability. $15,000
Downpayment $3,000
Pay Plan 10 installments of $1,200

Are You Ready To Get Down To Business?

This is the place to do it. If you are in need of hot-shot truck insurance, you can get free quotes from multiple companies here. New hot-shot operations should make sure to get the proper amount of coverage to suit their needs. Here, you can get insurance quotes from more than three companies. Comparison-shopping among multiple companies is one of the top ways to save money, and you should look at the discounts you can qualify for as well.

What Does Hot Shot Truck Insurance Cover?

Hot-shot truck insurance policies that cover you adequately will generally have a long list of coverages included. This includes comprehensive insurance, pollution insurance, coverage for binders, tarps, chains, and ramps, towing and storage coverage, and will often have combined deductibles. Coverage for loading and unloading, debris removal, pollution coverage, earned freight coverage, loss mitigation, downtime coverage, and others can also be considered. Look into getting lease gap coverage, medical payments coverage, and family emergency expenses coverage too. The cargo you will be transporting must be moved as quickly as possible, which is the differentiating factor between hot-shot insurance coverage and more standard trucking insurance coverage. Sometimes products must be moved within one hour of the callout, and there are times where it needs to be moved due to emergency situations.

How Much Does Hot Shot Truck Insurance Cost?

The costs people pay for hot-shot truck insurance can vary based on numerous factors. This includes a person’s driving record, how long they have been in the industry, the cost of the goods they are transporting, and the amount of coverage they get.

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