Truck Liability Insurance

Driving legally, whether you are driving for recreational purposes, personal situations, or professionally, can help you save a lot of money in the long run. To stay driving legally while on the road, you will need a valid insurance policy. As a commercial driver, you may need a Primary Trucking Liability Insurance policy as a minimum. Many people choose to purchase larger amounts of insurance to further protect themselves while driving their truck. There are also numerous truck insurance add-ons people can consider. This article explores these things in more depth.

Truck Liability Insurance Overview

Primary liability insurance will pay for a range of things, including injuries to other drivers on the road. It can also help provide financial protection when it comes to the damage of public property that may be caused by an accident. This type of coverage is mandated by both federal agencies and state governments. Minimum limits of $750,000 are required, though it is recommended that you purchase higher amounts. This is because truck accidents can easily cause damage of over $1 million. Most shippers and freight brokers will require drivers to carry at least $1 million in coverage, and some require more. For hazardous material haulers, such as those transporting chemicals and gasoline, up to $5 million in liability coverage or more may be required.

Commercial Truck Liability Insurance Coverage

Commercial trucking liability insurance coverage provides numerous benefits. It will not cover damage to your own vehicle, and it also does not protect you in cases of vandalism, fire, theft, or other disasters, though. Additionally, trucking liability insurance does not cover damage to your cargo or to your trailer. People who are looking to have these things covered will need to consider purchasing additional add-on insurance types to their policy.

How Much Does Truck Liability Insurance Cost?

The cost a person will pay for liability truck insurance depends on numerous variables, including a person’s driving record, the location the vehicle is being driven in, the size of the area the vehicle is being utilized in, and there are numerous other considerations. Use the free quote tools on this website and contact the professional team at Fontana Trucking Insurance to get specialized quotes from multiple companies so you can compare prices and save on the top-quality policy to suit your needs.

Additional Policy Considerations

In addition to the considerations listed above, which may involve purchasing additional policy endorsements, also called add-ons, consideration should be given to any non-owned trailers you use. Also, pollution liability is a form of insurance plan that should be considered. A wide range of deductibles are available to help you absorb some of your losses and reduce your overall insurance costs, and you should consider what the ideal amount of insurance for you to have included in your plan is. If you are transporting goods commercially, make sure to stay updated on the commercial vehicle licensing requirements as well.

Truck Liability Policy Limits

The limits a person puts on their policy can have a large effect on the amount of protection they have. While minimum limits can be as low as $750,000 in liability coverage, many accidents will be more expensive than this. If you do not have enough coverage or high enough limits, you could end up being liable for paying money out of pocket. Reach out to the experienced professionals at Fontana Trucking Insurance to discuss which policy limits may make sense for you, and go over the pros and cons. Also, get free quotes from multiple companies to help you find the best prices for truck liability insurance available.

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